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作者:   时间:2017-11-24   点击:[ ]

日期(月) 11 日期(日) 28
地址 综合1号实验楼602






易新 特聘研究员





Elastic particles including capsules, polymersomes and vesicular particles such as conventional liposomes are widely used in the fields of drug delivery. However, the mechanics of their interaction with cells are not very clear and there have been no systematic studies on the elasticity effects in cell uptake. In this talk, I will present our recent theoretical work on the interaction between elastic particles and cell membranes as well as vesicles. In particular, I will discuss how particle elasticity affect the membrane wrapping process, the kinetics of receptor-mediated endocytosis, and particle incorporation into a vesicle as well as outward budding from a vesicle. In the case of membrane wrapping, we found that soft nanoparticles are energetically less prone to full wrapping than stiff ones, but the wrapping of the former is kinetically faster than that of the latter. For the particle interaction with a vesicle, we found that soft particles are more energetically prone to full internalization into a vesicle than being released out of the vesicle.



易新研究员分别于2005年和2008年在北京大学力学与工程科学系获得学士和硕士学位。2014年毕业于美国布朗大学工学院(高华健教授课题组)获得博士学位,期间从事细胞力学和软物质方面的研究。2014-2016年在布朗大学和达特茅斯学院从事博士后研究。2016年入选第十二批“千人计划”青年项目,同年加入北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系,任特聘研究员,博士生导师。至今已在国际知名期刊发表SCI文章20余篇,包括Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A.Physical Review LettersNano LettersJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsChemical Society Reviews等。课题组目前的主要研究方向包括细胞力学,软物质力学和智能结构的设计与力学分析等。



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